Fetch movide titles published in the US (2000 to 2022) from Wikipedia

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Fetch movide titles published in the US (2000 to 2022) from Wikipedia

import ssl import pandas as pd import re import wikipediaapi import time from numpy.random import default_rng from urllib.parse import unquote # default_rng # https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/index.html#quick-start pd.options.display.max_columns = None pd.options.display.max_rows = None pd.options.display.max_colwidth = None pd.options.display.expand_frame_repr = False def get_title_and_url_pair(year): """ read_html, read html element -> table some page have seperated tables, use pd.concat to merge them together ignore_index=True, sort=False -> generate new index based on all data collected """ url = f"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_films_of_{year}" year = pd.read_html( url, extract_links="all" ) return pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame( table[("Title", None)].to_list(), columns=['Title', 'URL'] ) for table in year if table.get(("Title", None)) is not None and len(table) > 10 ], ignore_index=True, sort=False ) def replace_url_with_title(url): """ decode url to string, so that wikipediaapi can work properly, %27 -> ' return None if regex didn't match """ try: title = unquote(re.search("(?<=/wiki/).*", url).group()) except: title = None return title def get_translation_and_pageurl(title): ls = [] if title is None: ls = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A"] else: wiki_wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia('en') page_en = wiki_wiki.page(title) if 'zh' in page_en.langlinks: page_zh = page_en.langlinks['zh'] try: tables = pd.read_html(page_zh.fullurl) for table in tables: for column in table.columns: if (table[column].eq("各地片名")).any(): df = pd.DataFrame(table.values, columns=['region', 'translation']) df.drop(df.index[:df[df['region'] == '各地片名'].index[0] + 1], inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # catch all cases when one or more element(s) not found if len(df) == 1: if (df['region'].eq("中國大陸")).any() or (df['region'].eq("中国大陆")).any(): df.loc[2] = ['臺灣', 'N/A'] df.loc[1] = ['香港', 'N/A'] elif (df['region'].eq("香港")).any(): df.loc[2] = ['臺灣', 'N/A'] df.loc[1] = df.loc[0] df.loc[0] = ['中國大陸', 'N/A'] else: df.loc[2] = df.loc[0] df.loc[1] = ['香港', 'N/A'] df.loc[0] = ['中國大陸', 'N/A'] if len(df) == 2: if not (df['region'].eq("中國大陸")).any() and not (df['region'].eq("中国大陆")).any(): df.loc[2] = df.loc[1] df.loc[1] = df.loc[0] df.loc[0] = ['中國大陸', 'N/A'] elif not (df['region'].eq("香港")).any(): df.loc[2] = df.loc[1] df.loc[1] = ['香港', 'N/A'] else: df.loc[2] = ['臺灣', 'N/A'] # cut out data not needed, e.g. 新加坡譯名 if len(df) >= 4: df.drop(df.index[3:], inplace=True) # get rid of [註 *] on titles for title in df['translation'].to_list(): if re.search("\\[.*]$", title) is not None: ls.append(title.replace(re.search("\\[.*]$", title).group(), '')) else: ls.append(title) ls.append(page_en.fullurl) break # after went through all table elements but couldn't find column contains "各地片名" if not ls: ls = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A", page_en.fullurl] # if there is no table elements present, hence failed to call function read_html except ValueError: ls = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A", page_en.fullurl] # if no 'zh' page exist else: ls = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A", page_en.fullurl] return ls if __name__ == '__main__': """ specifiy start and end of year(s), latest list on wiki is 2023 when fetch page data through wikipediaapi, sometimes ssl error might occur, using while loop to retry on that failed page """ columnNames = ['Mainland China', 'Hong Kong', 'Taiwan', 'url', 'United States'] year = 2011 yearEnd = 2022 while year < yearEnd+1: t1 = time.time() print("starts:", year) infoLists = [] try: df = get_title_and_url_pair(year) # potential ssl error df.dropna(inplace=True) for index, url in enumerate(df['URL']): print(f"{index+1}/{len(df['URL'])} fetching data ...") runFlag = True while runFlag: try: info = get_translation_and_pageurl(replace_url_with_title(url)) # potential ssl error except ssl.SSLError as e: print("connection unstable at stage: get_translation_and_pageurl\n", "error message:\n", e, "\nretrying ...") time.sleep(default_rng().uniform(30, 61)) continue infoLists.append(info) runFlag = False time.sleep(default_rng().uniform(1, 4)) except ssl.SSLError as e: print("connection unstable at stage: get_title_and_url_pair\n", "error message:\n", e, "\nretrying ...") time.sleep(default_rng().uniform(30, 61)) continue df.drop(columns='URL', axis=1, inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'Title': columnNames[4]}, inplace=True) for i in range(len(columnNames)-1): df[columnNames[i]] = [infoList[i] for infoList in infoLists] df.to_excel(f"{year}.xlsx") t2 = time.time() print(f"ends: {year}\ntime spent: {t2-t1:.2f}s") year += 1