How to set up an end-to-end type safe project and deploy to VPS and vercel
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My goal is to learn GraphQL in this project, along the way, I also learned how to set up a GraphQL api server build with nodejs, and deploy to my linode vps.
#Part 1 Frontend
- install latest NodeJS LTS
- install latest Stable PyCharm Pro
- create new Next.js project in PyCharm Pro
- Specifiy project location, e.g. graphql-nextjs
- More Settings
- npx create-next-app@latest
- Create TypeScript project
- new window
- ESLint Yes
- Tailwind CSS Yes
- 'src/' directory Yes
- App Router Yes
- customize default import alias No
- Alt+F12 open Terminal
npm run dev
- should be greeted by nextjs default page
- clean up unwanted display
leave only these three lines
// app/global.css @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;
clean up page content, leave only these
// app/page.tsx export default function Home() { return ( <main> <h1>Hello</h1> </main> ) }
- style the page
<main className='bg-zinc-800 flex-col h-screen w-full flex items-center justify-center p-4 gap-y-12 overflow-scroll'> <h1 className='text-4xl text-yellow-500'> Hello <h1> </main>
- Create types.ts in root directory
// types.ts // manually defining types export type Message = { body: string } export type User = { name: string messages: Message[] }
- Create mock data in app/page.tsx
export default function Home() { const users: User[] = [{ name: "Sabin Adams", messages: [{ body: "Hey there!" }, { body: "Whats up!" }] }] return ... }
- Create src/components/UserDisplay.tsx
// UserDisplay.tsx import { User } from "../../types" type Props = { user: User } export default function UserDisplay({ user }: Props) { return ( <div className='flex gap-x-24 justify-center'> <div className='rounded-sm flex items-center justify-center drop-shadow-md bg-neutral-700 w-48 h-20'> <p className='text-xl text-gray-200 font-bold'> {} </p> </div> </div> ) }
- try import UserDisplay.tsx in app/page.tsx, and delete
// app/page.tsx import { User } from "../../types" import UserDisplay from "@/components/UserDisplay" ... return ( <main ...> {, index) => <UserDisplay user={user} key={index} />) } </main> ) }
- Create src/components/MessageDisplay.tsx
// MessageDisplay.tsx import { Message } from "../../types" type Props = { index: number message: Message } export default function MessageDisplay({ message, index }: Props) { return ( <div className='group mb-2 shrink-0 rounded-lg flex items-center justify-center drop-shadow-md bg-zinc-700 w-48 h-20 relative'> <p className='text-sm text-gray-200 font-bold px-4'> {message.body} </p> </div> ) }
- Update UserDisplay.tsx
// UserDisplay.tsx import MessageDisplay from "@/components/MessageDisplay" ... export default function UserDisplay({ user }: Props) { return ( <div className='flex gap-x-24 justify-center'> <div className='rounded-sm flex items-center justify-center drop-shadow-md bg-neutral-700 w-48 h-20'> <p className='text-xl text-gray-200 font-bold'> {} </p> </div> <div> {, index) => <MessageDisplay key={index} index={index} message={message} />) } </div> </div> ) }
- Create src/components/Branch.tsx
// Branch.tsx export default function Branch({ trunk }: {trunk: boolean}) { return ( <div className={` ${!trunk ? "border-l-4" : ""} ${trunk ? "w-24" : "w-16"} ${trunk ? "-translate-x-36" : "-translate-x-32"} scale-y-110 transition ease-in-out duration-300 group-hover:border-teal-400 h-full border-blue-500 border-b-4 absolute -translate-y-10 `} /> ) }
- Update MessageDisplay.tsx
// MessageDisplay.tsx import Branch from "@/components/Branch" ... return ( <div ...> <Branch trunk={index === 0} /> <p ...> {message.body} </p> </div> )
#Part 2 & Part 3 GraphQL API:
- create a new project, e.g. graphql-server
- PyCharm Pro new Node.js project
- install development packages
npm install -D typescript @types/node prisma ts-node-dev
- in terminal
npx tsc --init
- edit package.json, later when deployed using pm2, will need the start script
// package.json "scripts": { "test": ..., "dev": "ts-node-dev src/index.ts", "start": "ts-node-dev src/index.ts" }
create src/index.ts
// src/index.ts console.log('hello')
check by running
npm run dev
should see hello being printed
- Setup a postgreSQL database in VPS, Unbuntu
- assuming already have a linux machine running and updated
- install PostgreSQL
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
- check if started
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
- switch user to postgres
$ sudo -i -u postgres
- create a user
$ createuser --interactive
, example user: ivan- create a default database for that user
$ createdb ivan
- logout
$ exit
and connect with newly created user$ sudo -u ivan psql
- create a password for that user
# \password
,- create a database for this project
# CREATE DATABASE graphql_server;
# \q
to exit- allow remote connection to database
$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/15/main/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf
below IPv4 connection, addhost all all scram-sha-256
restart postgresql$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql
- the connection url is as follows
- make sure firewall inbound port 5432 is allowed
- initialize prisma and set database url
npx prisma init
in project direcoty, edit .env
- edit prisma/schema.prisma
... model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) name String createdAt DateTime @default(now()) messages Message[] } model Message { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) body String createdAt DateTime @default(now()) userId Int user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id]) }
- update database with these table
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
- create prisma/seed.ts to add data to database
// prisma/seed.ts // everytime a migration is performed, a Prisma Client is generated import {PrismaClient} from "@prisma/client" const prisma = new PrismaClient() async function main() { try { // Delete all 'User' and 'Message' records await prisma.message.deleteMany({}) console.log('Deleted records in message table') await prisma.user.deleteMany({}) console.log('Deleted records in user table') // await prisma.$queryRaw`ALTER TABLE Message AUTO_INCREMENT = 1` // console.log('reset message auto increment to 1') // // await prisma.$queryRaw`ALTER TABLE User AUTO_INCREMENT = 1` // console.log('reset user auto increment to 1') // (Re)create dummy 'User' and 'Message' records await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: "Jack", messages: { create: [ { body: "A Note for Jack." }, { body: "Another Note for Jack." }, ], }, }, }) console.log('user Jack created') await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: "Ryan", messages: { create: [ { body: "A Note for Ryan." }, { body: "Another Note for Ryan." }, ], }, }, }) console.log('user Ryan created') await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: "Adam", messages: { create: [ { body: "A Note for Adam." }, { body: "Another Note for Adam." }, ], }, }, }) console.log('user Adam created') } catch (e){ console.log(e) process.exit(1) } finally { await prisma.$disconnect() } } main()
- edit package.json
... "prisma": { "seed": "ts-node-dev prisma/seed.ts" }, "scripts": { ... }, ...
- run command to add data to database
npx prisma db seed
- install graphql server and graphql
npm install graphql graphql-yoga
- to start graphql server, edit src/index.ts
// index.ts import { createServer } from "node:http" import { createYoga } from "graphql-yoga" import { schema } from "./schema" // grab port number from .env, if not set, use 4000 const port = Number(process.env.API_PORT) || 4000 // provide a graphql schema const yoga = createYoga({ schema }) const server = createServer(yoga) server.listen(port, () => { console.log(`GraphQL server started at http://localhost:${port}/graphql`) })
create a example GraphQL Schema, src/schema.ts
// src/schema.ts import { createSchema } from 'graphql-yoga' export const schema = createSchema({ typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ ` type Query { hello: String } `, resolvers: { Query: { hello: () => 'world' } } })
start server
npm run dev
- decide how to handle GraphQL Schema
- code first, build schema based on code, using Pothos
- schema first, manually write schema, then code based on that
- using Pothos to build schema
npm install @pothos/core
create src/builder.ts
// builder.ts import SchemaBuilder from "@pothos/core" export const builder = new SchemaBuilder({})
GraphQL has some specific data types, in schema.prisma the filed createdAt has DateTime type, which is not supported by default
Int, Float, String, Boolean, ID
, to let pothos know there will be a DateTime type, install the community package graphql-scalarsnpm install graphql-scalars
// builder.ts import SchemaBuilder from "@pothos/core" import { DateResolver } from "graphql-scalars" export const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{ Scalars: { Date: { Input: Date, Output: Date } } }>({}) builder.addScalarType("Date", DateResolver, {})
define GraphQL object types, using pothos plugin
npm install @pothos/plugin-prisma
then edit schema.prisma, add the following
generator pothos { provider = "prisma-pothos-types" }
generate prisma client again
npm run build
// package.json "script": { ... "build": "npm i && npx prisma generate" }
to let builder know prisma generated types, a reference of PrismaClient is needed, create src/db.ts
// src/db.ts import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client" export const prisma = new PrismaClient()
update builder.ts
// builder.ts import SchemaBuilder from "@pothos/core" import { DateResolver } from "graphql-scalars" import PrismaPlugin from "@pothos/plugin-prisma" import type PrismaTypes from "@pothos/plugin-prisma/generated" import { prisma } from "./db" export const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{ Scalars: { Date: { Input: Date, Output: Date } }, PrismaTypes: PrismaTypes, }>({ plugins: [PrismaPlugin], prisma: { client: prisma, }, }) builder.addScalarType("Date", DateResolver, {})
before continuing, if showing type error despite using exact same code, check package installed, make sure not to install @graphql-yoga/node, and check original article to see if any updates are available.
Define GraphQL types, create src/model/User.ts
// src/model/User.ts import { builder } from "../builder" builder.prismaObject("User", { fields: t => ({ id: t.exposeID("id"), name: t.exposeString("name"), messages: t.relation("messages") }) }) /* type User { id: ID! messages: [Message!]! name: String! } */
- create src/model/Message.ts
import { builder } from "../builder" builder.prismaObject("Message", { fields: (t) => ({ id: t.exposeID("id"), body: t.exposeString("body"), createdAt: t.expose("createdAt", { type: "Date", }), }), }) /* type Message { body: String! createdAt: Date! id: ID! } */
- update builder.ts
... /* type Query {...}*/ builder.queryType({}) builder.addScalarType("Date", DateResolver, {})
- update User.ts, to handle graphql query for users
... import { prisma } from "../db" builder.prismaObject (...) builder.queryField("users", (t) => t.prismaField({ type: ["User"], resolve: async (query, root, args, ctx, info) => { return prisma.user.findMany({ ...query }) } }))
- generate a graphql schema, using src/schema.ts
// src/schema.ts import { builder } from "./builder" import "./model/User" import "./model/Message" export const schema = builder.toSchema({})
- check if user query is used by graphql api
npm run dev
- navigate to Explorer, should see users query exposed, click execute query to see the result
#Part 4 Connect front and back
To make sure types in front are in sync with data from api.
- GraphQL Codegen
going back to the frontend project (graphql-nextjs), then install some dependencies,
npm install graphql
-D means the following will only run in development modenpm i -D @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typed-document-node @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations
- create a file codegen.yml at root directory
schema: http://localhost:4000/graphql documents: "./src/**/*.graphql" generates: ./src/graphql/generated.ts: plugins: - typescript - typescript-operations - typed-document-node
add codegen script to package.json
// package.json "script": { ... "codegen": "graphql-codegen" }
- prepare query, src/graphql/users.query.graphql
query GetUsers { users { name messages { body } } }
start graphql-server
npm run dev
back to frontend project
npm run codegen
check src/graphql/generated.ts
define types using fetched api info in types.ts
// types.ts import type { GetUsersQuery } from "./graphql/generated" // type just need one entry, hence [0] export type Message = GetUsersQuery["users"][0]["messages"][0] export type User = GetUsersQuery["users"][0]
since this project is using NextJS's new App Router, query api using urql have to be done on the client component, and wrapping _app around Provider means app/layout.tsx also have to be a client component, which kind of defeat the purpose of using App Router. Instead of urql, this project will use Apollo Client, and use its latest experimental library.
install Apollo Client
npm install @apollo/client@alpha @apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support
to use apllo client inside server component, create lib/client.tsx
// src/lib/client.tsx import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client" import { registerApolloClient } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/rsc" export const { getClient } = registerApolloClient(() => { return new ApolloClient({ cache: new InMemoryCache(), link: new HttpLink({ // define API_URL in root/.env.local, API_URL="" uri: process.env["API_URL"] || "http://localhost:4000/graphql" // you can disable result caching here if you want to // (this does not work if you are rendering your page with `export const dynamic = "force-static"`) // fetchOptions: { cache: "no-store" }, }) }) })
- make graphql query in app/page.tsx, fetch data from the running graphql API server
// app/page.tsx ... import { GetUsersDocument } from "@/graphql/generated" import { getClient } from "@/lib/client" export default async function Home() { const query = GetUsersDocument const { data } = await getClient().query({ query }) return ( <main ...> {, index) => <UserDisplay user={user} key={index} />) } </main> ) }
- run the nextjs dev server, should be seeing list of users and their messages
npm run dev
#Part 5 deploy and publish
- Push these two projects to Github
graphql-nextjs, graphql-server
Git commit (if already adding files to git) menu > Git > Share Project On Github
- deploy and start graphql api server on VPS, in this example, using the same VPS that host postgresql database server
#connect via ssh
ssh user@vps-ip
#setup environmentinstall node.js using nvm
$ curl -o- | bash
$ export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # > This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/> bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
check nvm version
nvm --version
install latest lts node
nvm install --lts
select desirable node version
nvm use 18
check node, npm version
$ node --version
$ npm --version
install pm2 globally, to manage node.js application
$ npm install -g pm2
verify install$ pm2 --version
clone project from github to VPS, command below is using ssh to connect to github, will have to set up a key pair first, or just use the https to connect
~$ git clone
~$ cd graphql_server
setup database url
~graphql_server$ sudo nano .env
initialize project
~/graphql_server$ npm run build
should see two generated messages
Generated Prisma Client ... Generated Pothos integration ...
start graphql api server
~/graphql_server$ pm2 start npm --name "graphql_server" -- start
use reload to update any change on the server, e.g. after editing .env file
$ pm2 reload graphql_server
additionally, make pm2 automatically start when system reboot$ pm2 startup
execute additional command based on what's shown on screen (if any)$ pm2 save
install nginx for reverse proxy
$ sudo apt install nginx -y
verify install$ nginx -v
visit vps-ip, should see the default page from nginx
remove the symbolic link for default nginx page
$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
add nginx config file for graphql erver
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/graphql_server
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:4000/graphql; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; } }
ctrl+x, y, enter
make a symbolic link to nginx/sites-enabled
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/graphql_server /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
check if any errors in nginx config setting$ sudo nginx -t
restart nginx service$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
- visit
, should see graphql yoga interface - enable ssl on the api server, through certbot
check if snap is installed
$ which snap
make sure snap is up-to-date$ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
if previously installed certbot using an OS package manager, remove it first, refer to the above link on how to remove certbot
to check if already installed
$ which certbot
install certbot using snap
$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
create symbolic link from snap dir to /usr
$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
install certificate
$ sudo certbot --nginx -d
API deployment complete!
- as for the frontend, instead of deploy it to VPS - Video: deploy nextjs to vps, in this example, it will be hosted on vercel
- login to vercel
- connect to your github account
- hit start deploying
- try import graphql-nextjs from github
- setup environment variable, remember to press add
- deploy
additional info, after multiple attemp to start/stop pm2, clean up pm2 status table using:
$ pm2 save
$ pm2 kill
$ pm2 resurrect
End-To-End Type-Safety with GraphQL, Prisma & React
Article Part1 , Video Part1
Article Part2 , Video Part2
Article Part3 , Video Part3
Article Part4 , Video Part4
Additonal information for Part2
The Guild (GraphQL Yoga)
error import at @graphql-yoga/node (don't use this package)
Apollo Client
Using Apollo Client with Next.js 13